Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Be Inspired...by Elk River, Minnesota

The Mayor of Elk River, Minnesota challenged the residents to do 
1,000 Random Acts of Kindness.

They responded.

In February of 2010, the mayor challenged the residents to do 1,000 acts of kindness throughout the month.

All they had to do was do something kind for someone else and then tell about it.
They could call the special phone line, mail the pre-printed post card, or email the assigned email address to tell about their act of kindness.
They even made a kind-o-meter to track their progress.

The idea was inspired by the story of patrons of a Philadelphia diner that kept paying each other's bill.

Throughout the month long campaign a man paid for someone's coffee across the room at the cafe, a woman whipped up enough soup for 50 people and took it to the hunger relief kitchen, a teenager helped shovel a car out of a snowbank, an anonymous person hid $100 bill downtown with a note that read "I hope this brightens your day", librarians combined their own money to pay down overdue fines, 150 students at the high school donated money so that someone's electricity wouldn't be turned off, a man paid for the car behind him in the drive-thru, and so much more.
You can read about more of these random acts of kindness here.

I am in love with this town.

I am in love with this idea.

In addition to a city or town, this would be a great project for a school, church group, or even an extended family.

This would also be a great project for a youth to initiate and lead.

For today though, try to do something kind for someone else.

If you feel like emailing me to let me know what you did, you can do so at
I'd love to hear from you.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Calling all Eagle Scouts

Do you know of an Eagle Scout Project recently done in your area?

Are you related to someone who recently completed a project or is currently working on one?

I'd love to hear from you.
Come on all you Eagle Scouts.

Start sharing.

We might be able to get you the help you need.
We might be able to inspire a few others to follow in your footsteps.

Let's hear about your project.

email me at ingoodco.britney@gmail.com