I recently found this beautiful idea called "Thirty Days of Kindness" on [dandee].
This gorgeous (and talented) woman is counting down the 30 days before her 30th birthday with Thirty Days of Kindness. The ideas are simple, sweet and could easily be integrated into any of your holiday plans.
Her countdown is already almost half way over, but be sure to look back at some of her past posts and the simple ways to show kindness. She invites any and all to participate.
Today's Act of Kindness:
Read to a child as long as they want

Be sure to join her. Her blog is beautiful. Her ideas are simple.
You are sure to be inspired by her to create your own acts of kindness.
This is such a great idea and a great way to spend time leading up to your own celebration either for the holidays or any special event.
Be sure to check it out here.